
Welcome to JustOrg Design.

A way forward for justice organizations.

A way forward for leaders committed to aligning people and decision-making around powerful justice strategies.

About the Art

Today, justice leaders are adopting complex, interdisciplinary strategies. They also want to practice internally the change they seek externally.

This raises challenging questions:

  • How do we organize our staff to fully activate our bold strategies?
  • How do we build our collective capacity to make strategic decisions?
  • How do we nurture a culture of learning, iteration, and celebration of our progress?

We think of these as organizational design questions.

And, we've developed infrastructure to help.

Our Promise

JustOrg Design is a system that enables strategic alignment and momentum through:

  • Purposeful structures that convene people within and across teams for strategic conversation, debate, and iteration

  • Defined roles and an interactive meeting environment to keep teams focused on activating strategy
  • Distributed decision-making to share power and foster accountability

Our process and software application braid three chronically siloed elements into one coherent organizational design:

  • Strategies
    The essential, defining approaches your organization takes to its work are the central aligning force across all staff.
  • Structure
    To activate strategy every day, staff at all levels need invigorating, interdisciplinary spaces in which to interpret strategy, iterate, and celebrate progress.
  • Decision-making
    Strategies are elegant theories until they manifest in decisions; we build strategy-tethered decision-making practices right into organizational design.

Our process and software application braid four chronically siloed elements into one coherent organizational design

Values: What your organization believes most deeply must inform the way staff are organized and how they hold power together. This is walking the talk.

Strategies: How your staff approaches its work to create social change should be the central aligning force within and across teams.

Structure: To activate strategy every day, staff at all levels need invigorating spaces to sense-make, iterate, and celebrate progress.

Decision-making: How decisions do (or do not) get made is the Achilles heel for too many organizations. Now, finally, we build core decision types and authorities right into a just organizational design.

Find out more

JustOrg Design Resources

JustOrg Design Blog

Our blog shares resources, perspectives, and practical ideas for designing a just organization.

See our Blog

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JustOrg Design Readiness

Is your organization ready?
As with any process or tool, JustOrg Design should be implemented when it builds on an organization's own momentum for change. It cannot stand in for essential individual and group work on equity, racial justice, and power-sharing. Instead, JustOrg Design is designed to meet organizations already experimenting with non-traditional structures and distributed decision making practices with a tool that allows them to capture, share, manage, learn, and improve throughout their justice-driven evolution.

We created this survey to help you assess whether JustOrg Design is an appropriate tool at this juncture in your organization's development.

Take the Readiness Survey

Tables by JustOrg Design

Tables is the online application that we've purpose-built to help organizations deploy the JustOrg Designs process as seamlessly as possible.

Learn more about Tables

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